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Voucher Creation Settings: Images

Upload an image to appear on the Vouchers tab of your event, along with appearing on the email confirmation and as the main picture for the ticket widget. You can also add a preview image if adding the Soda widget to your website. 

Follow the steps below to successfully add images to your voucher: 

1. Log into your Soda account  
2. Click Vouchers
3. Select a voucher 
4. Within the new menu that appears underneath Vouchers, click Edit Details
5. Click the Images tab
6. Upload the Main Image for the voucher at the top to appear within the "Gift Voucher" section of your event page, along with being the main image when using the widget 
7. Upload the Preview Image underneath (this will appear within the "What your voucher will look like" section of the widget when embedded onto your site)

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