Soda - Delete Voucher
Deleting a voucher will remove it completely from your Soda account. Please note that this action is not reversible.
To delete a voucher, follow the steps below:
1. Log in to your Soda account
2. Click into the Vouchers tab on the left hand side of the page
3. Select the voucher that you would like to delete
4. Click the Delete icon located at the top of the page, to the right of your voucher's name
6. From the pop-out box click the purple Delete button
Note: A voucher can only be deleted if there are no sales attached to it. This includes all types of voucher sales, whether purchased online, issued for free, issued as an offline purchase or issued in exchange for a ticket/booking purchase. If the voucher has sales attached to it, then the system will not allow it to be deleted.