Soda - Reinstate Voucher
If a voucher has already been redeemed, you have the ability to reinstate this within the Soda admin.
1. Log in to your Soda account
2. Click on the purple Look Up Vouchers button
at the bottom left hand side of the page
3. Search for the voucher you want to refund by entering one
of the below in the search box:
Voucher Code (example: VR-CXNC73C9NYF3ONE)
Purchase Reference (example: VR-1000793416)
Recipient Name
Purchaser Email
Purchaser Name
4. Click into the transaction. If the voucher has been redeemed it will be highlighted purple on the left hand
5. Click the Reinstate button.
The way you reinstate a voucher depends on what type of voucher you have set-up:
Experience Voucher – is a set value and therefore can be reinstated once for the full voucher value.
Monetary Voucher, Redeemable Once – can only be redeemed once and therefore can be reinstated once for the full value.
Monetary Voucher, Redeemable Up To Value – can be redeemed multiple times and therefore can be reinstated multiple times up to the value of the voucher.