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How To Add Users To The Scanner App

This process allows you to give others (door staff for example) access to use the scanner without giving them access to your financials.   

Follow the steps below to successfully add users to the scanner app: 

1. Click Manage on your Event 
2. Click Settings
3. Select the Scanner tab
4. Click + ADD on Device Settings
5. Enter Device Name 
6. Save to generate a unique token ID 
7. On sign in screen of app, select Use Token ID to sign in with code 

App Settings Key:

Device Name: A name given to a scanner. Note: Multiple scanners can share the same device name.
Remote Verification: Performs checks with the remote Tonic Admin.
Validate Only: Disables the device from checking in tickets and validates only.
Dark Mode: Make the interface a darker colour for low lit environments.
Device Stats: Displays (other) device stats on the scanner if there are multiple scanners in use (only works with an internet connection).
Token: A short single use token used to sign in to the device. The scanner devices must have an internet connection..
Status: A token can only used once. The status can be new, used or revoked. Revoking a token will sign a user out who has used the token to sign in to the Scanner. 
Restricted Mode: Disables the ability to change settings

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