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How To Bundle Tickets

The Bundle Ticket option allows you to restrict ticket types to only be available for purchase once the selected ticket type has been added to the customer's basket. This is useful for selling add-on tickets such as a wine flight, child's ticket or VIP upgrade. 

Follow the steps below to successfully apply this setting to your ticket set up: 

1. Click Manage on your Event
2. Select Edit Listing & Tickets
3. Click Ticketing 
4. Click the small cog button next to the ticket you wish to bundle to others
5. Use the Bundle Ticket dropdown menu to select the applicable tickets 
6. Save Changes

Once applied, the ticket on the customer facing page will now be restricted, and guests will be unable to add the ticket until the specified ticket has been added to the checkout first. 

Note: Once the specified ticket has been added to the checkout, guests will be free to purchase as many of these newly available tickets as they please. To further limit this, use the Min / Max per purchase tool to set a minimum and/or maximum number that a customer can purchase per transaction. See below for where to find this tool: 

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