Ticket Order Display
Arrange your tickets into their desired order using the ticket reordering tool by following the steps below:
1. Log into your Tonic admin
2. Click Edit Listing & Tickets
3. Click the Ticketing tab
4. Scroll down to Ticket Display Options (section 4), located underneath your ticket types
5. Set your preferred setting from the dropdown menu (Custom, Ticket type name, Start time)
6. If selecting Custom, click the Customise button next to the dropdown
7. Drag and drop the ticket types into the required order using the pop-up window that displays
8. Save
Custom: Drag and drop your tickets into the required order
Ticket type name: Orders the tickets alphabetically
Start time: Orders the tickets based on their individual start time

Once set, the order choice will be reflected via the ticket widget on the customer facing page:

For assistance with adding ticket types, see our guide on this here.